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Online Facilities

The BFSG has a very active online community with organised fly-ins taking place four evenings a week. To join in with most of these you're going to need to set up at least two pieces of software. The first, TeamSpeak enables online voice communications which you'll need to be able to talk to other members. The second is a piece of software which will allow you to connect your simulation of choice to the BFSG online server and will allow you to fly in the same virtual airspace as other BFSG members, no matter what simulation they're flying.

Flying Online - by Simulator

The software you'll use to connection your simulation to the server varies depending on the simulator you're using. Sometimes, there'll be a choice, but for the most part there is only one option that works. Each different piece of software offers its own feature set, but they all share the same core functionality - to allow you to fly online with other pilots.

The pilot clients listed in the descriptions below are those that we've checked that work with the corresponding simulation AND the BFSG server - using whatever additional software may be required. That's not to say that other software won't work - just that no-one has tested it - yet...

Flying with FS9

We've tested a single pilot client with FS9 and the BFSG server: -

TeamSpeak3 is used for voice communication. Learn how to set up TeamSpeak 3 for online flying.

Flying with FSX

You have two options for pilot clients when flying with FSX: -

TeamSpeak3 is used for voice communication. Learn how to set up TeamSpeak 3 for online flying.

Flying with Prepar3D

There is only one choice of pilot client when flying with Prepar3D... How to set up vPilot for use with the BFSG online server

TeamSpeak3 is used for voice communication. Learn how to set up TeamSpeak 3 for online flying.

Flying with X-Plane

X-Plane 10 pilots will need to use XSquawkBox version 1.2 (or later). Detailed instructions describing how to set it up may be found in How to set up X-Plane 10 for use with the BFSG online server

TeamSpeak3 is used for voice communication. Learn how to set up TeamSpeak 3 for online flying.

Flying Online - by Software


Whilst old and no longer supported, many FS9 and FSX pilots enjoy the additional tools that the FSInn suite of software has to offer. The following article will help you get set up and ready to fly online if this is your preferred client: -


We use TeamSpeak3 for voice communication. To find out how to be able to talk with each other, either on fly-ins or socially, then you need to read the following article: -


Version 1

vPilot is arguably the preferred client of choice for pilots flying online with FSX or P3D. Originally a VATSIM only client, the Bristol Flight Simulator Group has developed some software that allows it to be used with our fly-in servers. The following articles should help you get set up and ready to fly online if this is your client of choice: -

Version 2

vPilot version 2, whilst not yet released, is eagerly anticipated in the community. There's no guarantees that it will work or can be made to work with the BFSG server, but space is reserved here in the event that it can!


xSquawkBox is the only pilot client available for xPlane pilots. The following article should help you get set up and ready to fly online with this software: -


joinFS is the new kid on the block, written by Peter Memmott it aims to provide its own multiplayer environment compatible with FSX, FSX-SE, P3D and Xplane (sadly no FS9 support). It's a small program that provides low latency plane updates allowing formation flying to be attempted