On Final to Aeroclube Nova Iguaçu, Brazil
GA Fly-in X-Plane 10.45
Views: 346
Posted by Simmo
Apr 13, 2016
Some other Australian Scenery
As some of you indicated you only had Orbx Blue get the full FTX Australia as the Red Centre and tropical North and Temperate South regions all have stunning colours representative to the terrain climate and vegetation across Australia. Here is one of Alice Springs used also with OZx 3.3 showing the…
doing the Limbo - How low can you go
Inverted at 10' AGL at KGCN Grand Canyon National Park Airport in a Pilatus PC9a Australian Roulette A/C
Panic Stations at Coffs
In WWII, Coffs Harbour (Aerodrome) was used as an anti-submarine aircraft base, patrolling roughly the same area that was flown for the March 24 Flyin. Japanese submarines sunk a number of ships in this area, … we wounded a couple of subs. If those in charge of Ops. had seen this number of aircraft…
Views: 531
Posted by IanW
Mar 25, 2011
Richard - T&G at YSCH
Richard G-MLPC, about to make a Touch and Go on runway 03 at Coffs Harbour Airport (GA Flyin March 24). Holding short of 03 on taxiway Alpha is IanW VH-IRW, Ross(The Mule) VH-RJF, and BristolFSG member.
Views: 508
Comments: 1
Posted by IanW
Mar 25, 2011
Paul - T&G at YSCH
Paul GMHIM, about to make a Touch and Go on runway 03 at Coffs Harbour Airport (GA Flyin March 24). Holding short of 03 on taxiway Alpha is IanW VH-IRW.
Views: 519
Posted by IanW
Mar 25, 2011
dh2 beaver in canada PNW (6)
Carenado's dh2 Beaver in Canada PNW
dh2 beaver in canada PNW (2)
Carenado's dh2 beaver in Canada PNW
dh2 beaver in canada PNW (1)
Carenado's dh2 beaver in canada ORBX PNW
mossie @colerne
Just Flight's Dehavilland Mosquito @ Colerne UK2000 VFR airfields
More Edinburgh Photoscenery 01