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* BFSG Welcome

Welcome to the Bristol Flight Simulator Group

Our Aim...

...Is to enable flight simulator enthusiasts to enjoy this hobby and to allow them to learn and share their knowledge about the many aspects of a wide range of flight simulation programmes together with the software and hardware available to enhance them.

Our Activities

We seek to achieve our aim through different activities. Our monthly meetings - held at the Lincombe Barn in Downend, Bristol, BS16 2RW - attract a host of people with expertise and interests that span across the flight simulation spectrum. Our weekly online fly-ins, hosted on our own private servers, attract a wider audience and have groups that cater for both GA and "quotquotheavy"quotquot aircraft operations.

If you'd like to read more about our activities, click on the "quotquotRead Whole Article"quotquot link below.

There is no charge for registration to use our forums, but we will ask you a few simple questions which will help us to put you in touch with the right people from the off. Please note that we require that acceptable standards of courtesy and good manners are maintained in all forum posts and online activities.


However you choose to join us, we look forward to welcoming you.


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I caught carol on my simulator
 Views: 1132
Posted by Bob Sidwick (RIP)
Feb 25, 2008
in Aviation